
Zip Core Design Pro

Our newly enhanced Zip Core Design Pro includes all of the features from Zip Core Design "A CAD/CAM packaging software that is integrated with Adobe® Illustrator®. Choose from an endless library of parametric models and packaging designs, including ECMA, FEFCO, Corrugated Board and much more." Plus a library of FSDU displays designs which includes POP & POS.


Developing The Perfect Finish with Our Partners

Next Level Systems: NEXT’s Transformative Investment in Veloblade Nexus and Zip Core Packaging Suite

Next Level Systems: NEXT’s Transformative Investment...

Since partnering with Vivid, our experience has been nothing short of fantastic. Vivid's support is truly deserving of...

Loughborough University Levels Up With The Veloblade Nexus.

Loughborough University Levels Up With The...

We are delighted with the seamless installation process carried out by the team, as well as the training...

The Veloblade Nexus, a “gamechanger” for Nettl Digiprint.

The Veloblade Nexus, a “gamechanger” for...

The Veloblade Nexus is a robust, versatile and affordable piece of kit. We have only scratched the surface...

Our Full Range

Zip Core Design Pro

  • Packaging Software Pro
    Zip Core Design Pro
    Zip Core Design Pro